We never want to sell a great business

We are not a typical financial sponsor who wants to ‘turn around’ a business.

We buy well-run businesses that do not need a turnaround, but where the owner-operator has personal reasons for looking to divest.

We know that these businesses will not need to be reinvented.

Our model is to buy great, well-run businesses and provide continuity in operations, growth and market presence.

We are a genuine, long-term ownership option for those who are giving us custodianship of their life’s work, and hope to continue their legacy.

Our investment criteria

Please note these are indicative criteria, so please do not hesitate to contact us if your business calls outside these parameters.

  • We look to partner with businesses with revenue in the range of $5 million to $20 million and that are steadily growing within a growing industry.

    We prefer growth that has come from market growth and new products, rather than winning market share.

  • We expect our partner firms to have:
    - a minimum of ten years of trading history
    - a minimum of three years of positive cash flow of at least $750,000
    - EBITDA of at least $1 million
    - a consistent EBITDA margin of at least 15% (or 20% for some industries)

  • We prefer firms with concentrated ownership, where those owner(s) are looking to transition for personal reasons.
    We buy from owner-operators, we do not buy from financial sponsors.

  • We pride ourselves on our earned reputation for integrity and transparency, and we value businesses who treat their customers with those same principles.

    We look for businesses where the owner-operator has the same level of integrity and transparency as we do.

  • We look for businesses where our skills can add substantial value.

    We look to deploy the following skills:
    - technology: including niche software development, ERP upgrades, and business intelligence platform engineering
    - automation: whilst protecting the fabric of the business the current owners have woven
    - financial services: we want our ability to actively manage and understand capital requirements to be a benefit for the business