
Continuity Capital is a permanent capital pool dedicated to preserving and enhancing the legacy of small to medium business owners whilst utilising our diverse background in software and financial services to add value.

We aim to acquire a full or majority stake in businesses where our unique combination of skills can allow us to smoothly transition the owner-operator's legacy to new hands while preserving the parts of the business that they value. The owner-operator's values have built the business, so we seek to reinforce rather than reinvent them.

Our mission is to provide business expertise, professional networks, capital resources, and capital structuring to a small ecosystem of companies. We preserve what has made the business successful while unlocking and enhancing the underlying value. In doing so, we respect the trust placed in us.

Our values:

  • respect those who trusted us

  • reinforce our earned reputation for integrity

  • earn and keep the confidence of our partners

  • be inquisitive, learn, and never be complacent

  • analyse thoroughly and attentively

  • communicate accurately and transparently

  • enjoy the adventure

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